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Thin Sliced 100 Whole Wheat

Thin Sliced 100% Whole Wheat

Meet your new pantry staple. 100% Whole Wheat celebrates our hero grain by including it in all of its USDA Organic various forms. We’re talking whole wheat flour, cracked wheat, wheat gluten, wheat bran, cultured wheat starch, and wheat unicorn horns (OK that last one is made up.) We do all of this so you can reap all the nutrition from these wholesome ingredients. Thinly sliced so you can enjoy two slices for 110 calories.

Thin Sliced Country Morning White

A soft, organic bread that has the tenderness of white bread and nutrition? They said it couldn’t be done. Luckily, we crafted a sliced white bread designed to remind you of pastoral landscapes, idyllic fields, and long, lazy days picnicking in the field with a handsome cowboy who slowly smears mayo … whoa, where are we? Ahem. Country Morning White is perfect for grilled cheese sammies, delicate bites, and the picnic of your dreams. Thinly sliced so you can enjoy two slices for 110 calories.